Friday, January 03, 2025
Benevolent ETs living among us
Why do G7 deep state agencies pretend they're not here?
Who is initiating the élite disinformation?
Who are the human contactees?
What are the ETs telling them?
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Picture: Benevolent extraterrestrials among us.
Benevolent extraterrestrial visitors have been in our midst, here on Earth, for many years. Gerard Aartsen calls them the Space Brothers. His September 2015 book is titled Priorities for a Planet in Transition: The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom.
The ET's presence with us has been witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, yet government agencies and their deep state accomplices have gone to extraordinary lengths to persuade people that they did not see and experience what they know they did see and experience. Such phenomena do not exist, the contactees are told.
Aartsen's book is an authoritative guide to the deliberate élite disinformation which has surrounded the ET issue for decades. He argues that the ETs are here, and that they have been for decades. Indeed, they have visited us for millennia. Their mission is one of benevolent service. And they do no harm. Ever.
Establishment efforts to discredit the presence of the ETs, and the benevolence of their mission, is methodically orchestrated by the Western governments of the world, and especially by the government of the United States.
In 1959, Howard Menger, an early contactee, stated: “Government officials in particular refuse to tell because it would upset our economy. The knowledge the ETs have gained depicts an entirely different way of life. It is living under God’s law rather than man’s law. Most (human) mechanical energy sources would become obsolete.”
Chilean contactee Enrique Barrios, who was advised by the ETs to render the information given to him in the form of a children’s story (Ami - Child of the Stars), writes: “The problem is not in the people, but in the systems they use. People have evolved, but the systems have remained backward. Bad systems make good people suffer. These systems make people unhappy, which finally turns them bad.”
Yet the experience of people worldwide stands in direct contradiction to the establishment misinformation which helps maintain bad systems. As the Brazilian editor of Collective Evolution, Arjun Walia, says: “The UFO phenomenon seems to be coinciding with this mass awakening that’s taking place. UFO sighting reports continue to increase exponentially every month as the consciousness of the human race continues to expand and grow.”
Aartsen comments that the very efforts to misinform the public seem themselves to represent an oblique acknowledgement of the reality of the ET's existence.
Along with the growth in human collective consciousness goes one imperative. We must learn to use our free will far more intelligently and compassionately than we have done so far. Our inability to do this has resulted in what the ETs describe as our “cosmic isolation”.
Pioneering contactee George Adamski was told during a visit to a Venusian mothership in the 1950s: “If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow being as himself, the one a reflection of the other. To have a healthy and prosperous society, that which causes the most trouble must be removed. As we all know, this stigma is poverty in the midst of plenty. It is the cause of sickness, crime and the many evils that we know.”
It is a symptom of the belligerence humanity regularly demonstrates which makes it impossible for the ETs to trust us with more advanced forms of technology.
Enrique Barrios writes: “When the scientific level overwhelms the level of love in the world, that world self-destructs .... If a world’s level of love is low, there is collective unhappiness, hatred, violence, division, wars, and a dangerously high destructive capacity.” For the ETs to supply technical information to such a civilisation would be to commit a serious crime against the cosmic laws.
There is no discrepancy between the teachings of the benevolent ETs and the teachings which our own terrestrial-based spiritual masters and sages have given throughout human history. Adherence to the great laws they propound has led to the creation of incontrovertibly peaceful, functional and flourishing civilizations on other planets and star systems.
Critical to the creation of these civilizations has been a shared understanding of collective necessity: that which is truly good, is good for all.
George Adamski writes: “In their community way of life, with respect toward one another and with life’s necessities provided for all, they find no need for penal institutions. Because the people on Venus, Mars and elsewhere in our system have learned to live harmoniously with one another, they have no tensions and consequently no sickness.”
The Tibetan spiritual master, Djwhal Khul, commented: “The keynote to good health, esoterically speaking, is sharing or distribution; just as it is the keynote to the general well-being of humanity.”
One of the reasons why the visiting ETs demonstrate limitless patience and good will towards Earth-based humans is because they remember times long past on their own planets when they faced some of the dilemmas and serious conflicts which now beset us. They know that through adherence to the Great Laws of Life we too can overcome our problems as they did.
The human species on Earth has now reached a decisive point in the evolution of the planet. As contactee, Truman Bethurum, was told by the benovolent ETs: “We have not the problems that you have because we know what is right and want to do it. The same could be true upon your Earth. God has been liberal with His blessings and there is no dearth. Your people could amalgamate and act in unison, instead of constantly warring upon each other, and then you’d find your Earth worth living upon."
To contactee Stefan Denaerde, the ETs said: “This is the blue planet with the blinding light; the home of the graceful, long-legged human race. It is one of the most beautiful planets that we know.”
Priorities for a Planet in Transition: The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom by Gerard Aartsen. BGA Publications; 212 pages; 2015. ISBN: 978-90-815495-4-7.
The original text of Marc Gregory's review is here (Feb 2016).
Picture: The Christ Star UFO.
UFOs: Their Spiritual Mission (1)
UFOs: Their Spiritual Mission (2)
UFOs and Crop Circles
The reality and work of the Space Brothers
Picture: Cloaked Jovian UFO over Mount Shasta, CA, USA. Oct 2011.
Picture: Lenticular cloud or Cloaked UFO.
Picture: Martian UFO inside lenticular cloud. Nerja, Spain. 9th March 2016.
Picture: Martian UFO inside lenticular cloud. Las Vegas, USA. 22nd Feb 2016.
Picture: Extraterrestrial flying saucer (Pleiadian?)
Picture: ET Pleiadian craft flies over the Neumayer Area of Antarctica in Jan 2016.
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven at work? (1)
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven at work? (2)
Picture: UFO sighted over Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). Monday 21st March 2022.
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven come to town.
Picture: We have always known about them.
Larger image here. Video picture sequence here.
Picture: Are things beginning to stir behind the green door?
Picture: Merkabah takeup.
Picture: The Andromeda galaxy.
The Andromeda galaxy pictured above is about 2.2 million light-years away from our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It is our sister galaxy in the local galactic cluster within this bit of this particular universe.
In terms of its overall spiritual energy, Andromeda is more female than the Milky Way, which has a more masculine vibration. There is and has always been less war and conflict in Andromeda generally than among the Milky Way civilisations.
These sister and brother galaxies have a close relationship at every level of the spiritual architecture. Their soul evolutionary cycles and developments are similar, and their Ascended Masters are in close and regular contact.
There are many Earth-like planets in Andromeda. They look like Earth from space; they have similar-looking atmospheres, hydrospheres and lithospheres. One of the Andromedan Ascended Masters is called Heylang. He calls these planets "Earth duplicates". His comments feature in Chapter 10 of the second book cited below.
At a distant point in the future, the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will merge into a single new galaxy which will nurture the most benevolent attributes of both while conserving the positive variety of each.
With regard to Andomeda and the Andromedans who study and interact with the Earth evolution, there is now a lot of open source information available in English, not only on the web but more particularly in books. For example, this book here: 1-891824-35-X (2004), and Chapters 10 & 11 (pp 99-113) of this book here: 978-1-62233-052-2 (2017).
Picture: Victory of the Light.
Picture: Big spiders gone.
Picture: UFO. Off-world or home-made?
Picture: Off-world activity in the sublunar space?
Picture: Off-planet ET UFO flying over Mosul (Iraq).
And there are negative extraterrestrial entities around the place as well, but most of these have now been, or are currently being, removed from Earth by benevolent ET influencers and their advanced technologies. The two text boxes below, and their clickthrough articles, offer some information about this.
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: Concerning Martian humanoids on Earth.
Picture: Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report. 18th Feb 2024.
Picture: Reptilian physiognomies.
Picture: Fulfilling the minimum criteria for evolution.
A lot of people still think that all reptilian ETs are bad. How could such a thing be? Not all humanoids are bad. The evolutionary overlap and inherent similarities between humans and reptiles is introduced here. ..........................................................................................................................
Picture: Benevolent ET reptilian R'Kok. ............................................................................................................................
My Earth friends,
This is R’Kok speaking. I am honored that I am once again able to share a message with the people of Earth.
As has often been stated, we galactics are not the saviours of mankind. We’re the support. You lightworkers are the saviours. You are the ones you have been waiting for.
The plain truth is what everyone already knows: this covert and very slow path that the gray hats are taking is not in fact optimal. It would have been better if mass arrests had happened years ago. So much suffering and so many deaths would have been prevented.
Alright, so we galactics agree with you that the gray hats should be doing more. But it’s always easy to say that other people should do more. Why aren’t we galactics taking more action ourselves?
Well, we galactics are supporting you energetically. We are helping to raise the energy on your world. We’re doing a lot of subtle work, such as purifying your water and air. We have dealt with most malevolent galactics already and are cleaning up the relatively few who remain.
We are preventing certain disasters from occurring and we are doing important special operations behind the scenes. Some galactics have died during these missions.
Now, obviously you are suffering more than we are, I am just saying that to illustrate that we are serious about helping you. Millions of galactics are away from home right now in order to help you. We are willing to take casualties to help you. A not insignificant number of galactics are volunteering to do dangerous missions to help our Earth brothers and sisters, even though those same galactics could also just choose not to volunteer and to have a centuries or millennia long life in what you would think of as something close to paradise.
Also, we galactics too are eagerly looking forward to meeting you, physically, in the flesh. However, at this specific moment in time we don’t think it’s a good idea for us to do more than what we’re currently doing, although that may change in the future.
One issue is that if we land openly and we say that we come in peace, then the dark controllers would order your militaries to start shooting us. Plenty of soldiers would follow orders. And if we defend ourselves, or if we do a mass arrest of dark controllers, or if we remain in orbit and take over your media from up here, then dark controllers would spin that as Earth getting invaded by hostile aliens. From a consciousness standpoint it wouldn’t benefit you to seemingly get invaded by hostile aliens. Us seemingly invading you would also delay the point when we can openly walk among you in peace.
Then there’s an issue that us landing in peace wouldn’t at this point violate your free will, but us taking over your mainstream media or doing mass arrests on your world would violate your free will. If you polled Earth humans today, most of them wouldn’t vote for aliens doing these things.
Then there’s the issue that if we just hand you an advanced civilization, it may very well not last, and in a couple of centuries we might be right back to the current situation. We handed you an advanced civilization in Atlantis, and it didn’t last, and we learned from Atlantis that it simply doesn’t work for a more advanced race to just push a less advanced race into a so-called more advanced way of living. This may seem heartless, but we genuinely do think that it’s preferable to Earth humans to be in a tough or even awful situation until 2024 or 2025 or 2026, rather than risk another Atlantis-style collapse and the darkness that would follow.
And yes, at this specific moment in time we can’t just land peacefully and openly, because we’d get shot at. We don’t have an endless capacity to just sit there and absorb fire.
To peacefully land, we need one of two things. Either we need the consciousness of Earth to be higher, so that soldiers won’t shoot at us even when ordered. Or we need Earth’s military and police and intelligence forces to finally do mass arrests, so that there are no dark controllers who would order soldiers to shoot at us. When the consciousness of Earth is high enough, your military and police and intelligence forces will do mass arrests.
In a way, you already know this: the dark controllers wouldn’t be acting so crazily and in such an obviously corrupt way if they were genuinely in control. If they were genuinely in control, they’d act in a much slower and more subtle way, so that the illusion would be maintained that the media and the government are working in the interest of the people.
By now many people in the west realize that the media and the mainstream political parties are actively working against the people. This is actually a huge deal. Fifty years ago the dark controllers weren’t panicking, and they were maintaining their illusion of fairness much better, and the vast majority of people thought that the media spoke the truth and that politicians served the people. Today many people no longer believe that. This is a huge change in consciousness and perception in a relatively short period of time.
I understand that you would prefer your freedom today, and you do deserve your freedom, however the consciousness of humanity is already being transformed at a breakneck and dizzying pace. Certain other galactic races have taken a century or even a millenium to achieve the consciousness transformation that humanity is going through in one year. Uplifting the entire consciousness of humanity is a process that simply takes some time. As (the Pleiadian) Hakann has stated before: I expect that your living conditions will likely be much improved before the end of 2026, perhaps even well before then. Galactic contact may occur before that time too.
Your star brother,
The full text of R’Kok's message can be found here (13.07.23).
AB note: The text presented above is a small excerpt from a much longer piece by R’Kok. The emphases in bold are ours.
Since the positive spiritual and energetic shake-up in 2012, and the subsequent multiplication of veridical communication channels from the Higher Evolution to the surface population of humans on Earth, many completely new transdimensional teachers have emerged. Some of these offer their content in English.
One such individual worthy of consideration is R’Kok. He is an advanced ET reptilian who, as he says himself, has murdered millions of people in the past. He has since repented, moved from the darkness to the light, and is is now working as a military advisor for the benevolent Galactic Confederation of star nations.
Since 2012, this confederation's starship fleet, the largest ever assembled in the history of our universe, has been deployed in and around the Earth, the Moon and the Solar System.
In the last eighteen months or so, that fleet has constructed/positioned two huge Dyson spheres, one around the Sun and one around the Earth, in anticipation of the end-time solar flash/ascension events.
And with regards to reptilians, it is said that many humans now living on Earth have themselves, in past incarnations, lived lives as reptilians on planets in other star systems.
Elsewhere in this blog we have compiled more background information about the (possibly imminent) solar flash/ascension events here.
Picture: Activity around Saturn and on Earth's Moon.
Picture: Activity in the sub-lunar space.
Picture: The benevolent ET Central Civilization.
Picture: Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation.
Picture: EBOs. Who is trying to hush-up the existence of Exo-Biospheric Organisms?
Picture: Which language was this ET speaking? (Varginha, Brazil - January 1996).
Picture: Taiwan. Tuesday 2nd August 2022.
Picture: The resurrection of Project Blue Beam ?? ............................................................................................................................
According to recent, widely-circulated and public open source notifications on the web in English:
● In both ancient and modern times, various human élites and others have been in conscious contact with alien ET civilisations.
● Some of these alien ET civilisations have been and are technologically advanced and millions of years ahead of us in evolutionary development.
● By 2023 CE, two competing transnational human élite commercial corporations were trying to corner the space market: (1) SSP (Secret Space Program), and (2) USS (United Space Service).
● The SSP is said to have created practical alliances with positive / good / benevolent ETs; the USS is said to have created practical alliances with negative / bad / evil ETs.
● The SSP and USS are thought to be in active conflict over who will win the end-time battle to militarily protect, control and regulate the surface human population on Earth. However, there is some overlap or partial cooperation between the two on certain negotiated issues.
● A very large benevolent group of advanced ETs is present at this time on and around Earth in a peace-keeping rôle.
● Both the SSP and USS know that their battle plans are likely to be decisively neutralised by advanced ET intervention, particularly if they choose to deploy specified or particularly destructive weapons-systems.
● Alongside all this, a global and diversionary propaganda agenda has been long-planned by negative Nazi-continuum human players on Earth to fake an alien invasion.
● This propaganda PsyOp has sometimes been referred to as Project Blue Beam. It is thought to involve a holographic firestorm of illusions in the skies coupled with real and widespread false-flag-type physical destruction, all to be covered uncritically by wall-to-wall reportage in the corporate mass media.
The Alaskan lawyer and judge, Anna Von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger), in addition to being Fiduciary for The United States of America [Unincorporated] and a constitutional historian, has high-status spiritual access to the leadership teams of several benevolent ET civilisations and councils involved in the ongoing galactic Earth mission here, including the Andromedans, Sirians, Venusians, Centaurans and Pashats. In February 2023, Anna Von Reitz published two articles addressing the ET-related issues outlined above. The full texts of those two articles follow here:
Sunday 12th February 2023
More "Galactic" BS - Situation Update
By Anna Von Reitz
Where to even begin ....
Let's begin with this - in ancient times and in modern times - before and after the First World War, the "governments" of this world have been in conscious contact with alien extraterrestrial civilizations. Okay? Let's just be honest and put that out as a necessary starting point.
This shouldn't be much of a shock. Most of the world is familiar with spirits good and bad; in the Bible which forms a basis for Christianity, Islam and Judaism, we are flat out told that God is a spirit, that Angels were created before us and come and go upon the Earth, and that Fallen Angels and demons exist also. So use that as a reference point.
The Bible does NOT say that God, Angels of various kinds, and demons are the ONLY other beings in the Universe - it just focuses on them as being crucial to the Bible narrative.
The "aliens" who are as much a part of the Universe as we are, are like us in that their civilizations produce good sorts and bad sorts. Each individual has to be treated as an individual.
Some of these alien civilizations are technologically advanced and yes, even millions of years ahead of us in evolution.
That's all right, too. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we are where we are in our progression. No guilt or virtue is implied. We were simply born later in the great scheme of things, like younger brothers and sisters.
The truly advanced alien civilizations understand that and help us along. The not-so-advanced civilizations try to take advantage of us and make use of us to promote their progress and meet their needs.
This, too, is nothing unusual. As above, so below.
We have the mental capacity to understand self-serving older brothers and self-serving beings in general. They simply haven't matured enough to see that they are part of everything and everyone else, so they don't gain anything by parasitizing others.
That is, self-service is an illusion created by the perception of a separate ego - where there really isn't one.
With that as a backdrop, once the governments made contact or were contacted, trading and horse-swapping began. The aliens gave us technology in exchange for natural resources. The governments took these innovations for their own benefit in "the name of National Security".
So now we have the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the United Space Service (USS) running neck and neck, and both are just commercial corporations trying to corner the space market - for lack of a better description of it.
They are not being honest about this in the same way that they haven't been honest about much of anything else. They both try to present themselves as benevolent extraterrestrial "councils" of one kind or another, "here to help us".
Where have we heard that one before?
Predictably, they have split up and created alliances with one group being associated with "good" aliens and the other being associated with "bad" aliens.
And we are sitting here in the middle listening to the chatter and propaganda and narratives being spun off by both groups, without having the context of where all this bunk is coming from.
Now, you know.
This morning I received an update titled "The New Earth Year Intentions of Galactic Space Operations" in which the USS (Joe Biden and the Chinese, et al.) announced their plans to "intervene" because we are all so stupid and need to undergo "Conscience Retraining".
Let me tell you, if these people really were advanced they would already know that the Evil Ones among us were born without a conscience. They simply don't have one to begin with, so there is nothing to "retrain".
They would also know that these individuals can be identified and selected according to their unique vibratory frequency, so yes, they can simply be targeted and removed.
Such a removal is what I recommended to the actual Alien High Command more than two years ago.
Instead, the USS is claiming to "represent" us, which they don't, and they are proposing a typical Chinese Communist style take-over, complete with millions of casualties, complete disarmament of the planet, re-education camps, and all the rest of the usual Mao Madness, all backed up by new technology that they received as a result of selling - literally selling - billions of people to be used however the alien purchasers like.
The point that needs to be driven home like a Ten Penny Nail is that none of these governments own anybody and all their claims otherwise are fraudulent. At best, these governments are the equivalent of cattle rustlers who are engaged in capital level crimes and offenses against Universal Law, which also applies to the alien contingents.
So the Joe Biden sock-puppet and the CCP-USS can just go sit on their offer and spin; we, the actual Government, and the people of this planet, don't accept their "intentions".
I have objected to the Andromedan High Command and the Sirian and Venusian Delegations which are here in a peacekeeping capacity. I have also contacted the Centaurans and Pashats for additional and immediate support to suppress the non-beneficial use of alien technology and discuss my original proposal for the removal of the conscience-less Evil Doers and Liars who are responsible for all of this chaos and killing.
We are also going to discuss my initiative to establish a transition model to replace the debt note system with a credit note system based on credit already owed to the population of this planet, and the institution of a planetary currency that gains value in tandem with investments made in cleaning up pollution, new waste management technologies, workforce education and welfare, reforestation and similar efforts.
All the deals that these phony "governments" operating as corporations have made, purportedly on our behalf, are on the table to be scrapped, including their depopulation (sale) agenda. We are not cattle to be tagged and shipped off as slaves and food sources to the far corners of the galaxy. Aliens may not understand everything about us, but they all understand fraud and they all understand free will.
I am exercising my authority as the Senior Field Commander - as in Magnetic Field Commander. Anyone who doesn't like it, can come see me. I am fully enabled and prepared to leave the Perps and their allies stuck like ants in amber.
The actual people of this planet have their own free will vision of the future which doesn't involve killing billions of innocent people and animals in the name of saving them. And if there is any "alien intervention" here, it's going to be by the appointed peacekeepers, not a bunch of Communist Flim-Flam artists.
As for the SSP it's time to grow some brains and drop the sappy self-aggrandizing narratives. You all sound like sophomores in High School recounting the tragedy of your first love. Makes me want to barf.
The U.S. Navy has developed (with a lot of alien assistance) a super weapon that "can't be stopped". From what I can see of it, it appears to be a form of solid state multi-phasic laser that can either be pin-pointed or deployed as a 3-D grid. It is indeed state of the art for this planet, but no big deal for a lot of other places I can think of. And access.
Here's my advice to the SSP - if you are going to use this weapon, use it defensively and against the USS and their allies in the space environment, but never against the people or animals or plants of this planet. You will be stopped like a hamster running full tilt into his little wheel.
The people of this planet are going to be set free. Nobody is going through another round of the same old bunko transposed into the air jurisdiction. This is called "the Apocalypse" because once the curtain is drawn back, you can't "un see" what you have seen. The old illusions lose their power, and the full-force and power of life itself becomes visible.
To put it in the jargon of the Elders of Zion, the Primal Creator becomes visible and walks the Earth, utterly destroying those who would ruin this planet and murder its people. So think twice, both about what you are doing and what you are failing to do.
Remember - if you recreate what you destroy, you become a transgressor - and transgressors are universally despised; so are liars, cowards, and thieves, yet, a penitent sinner obtains grace.
Everyone else, sit tight. Concentrate on your many blessings, the beauty of Nature, the miracles surrounding you on every side. Fill your minds with images of beauty and peace and harmony and great abundance, until you are immersed in the glory and power of the Living God.
I have a little plaque on my wall that says, "Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future." I know who holds the future, and if you think about it, so do you.
Don't allow yourselves to be afraid - not of any power, principality, or liar pretending to be a law-giver; you were created according to truth and by the word, and there is no law but the law of love that created you.
Source text here (12.02.23) or here (12.02.23).
Thursday 16th February 2023
Weaponization of Space - or Not
By Anna Von Reitz
As I have told you, and as is plain on the public record, the two guilty commercial corporations that have been such a problem for our country from the beginning have now extended their mercenary activities to space.-.the Secret Space Program.-.SSP, Inc., the British Crown version, and the United Space Service.-.USS, INC. Municipal version are colluding to make sure that they rule not only space, but the entire Earth.
The SSP, Inc. recently acquired an "unstoppable weapon" by disgraceful means and believes that it has the opportunity to take over the entire world.
They know that they will likely be opposed in this by extraterrestrial forces that have been sent here to make sure that these educated idiots don't destroy the planet and everything on it. I am being completely serious and accountable. This is first-hand knowledge.
So the Rats have double-backed their situation with a long term propaganda campaign called "Project Blue Beam" promoted via their Nazi Mouthpiece Werner von Braun. Where have you heard that name before? How about Eva Braun?
Go figure.
Project Blue Beam is supposed to be a holographic firestorm of illusions and purposeful destruction like the "War of the Worlds" only fantastically advanced beyond that hoax.
According to WVB, this is the last card in a bid to coerce all the national governments and people of the world to accept a monolithic "world [military] government". It's that word "military" that they are purposefully omitting so that everyone is caught by surprise.
Well, almost everyone, Campers.
Just recall that they lied about the "Atom Bomb" too and scared everyone silly for two decades over that Big Fat One. Scaring you into submission is their stock-in-trade. So don't be scared. Be angry.
Shove it back down their skinny Nazi necks and realize that the actual veiled ET Fleet that you can glimpse yourself easily enough if you look up into the sky.-.particularly at dawn and here to guard life on this planet.
That Fleet, particularly the Andromedan Fleet, is here to make sure that the atmosphere of this planet is not destroyed like the atmosphere on Mars, which made the entire planet of Mars uninhabitable 32,000 years ago. And they have already begun to take action.
That is the trigger that has set the phony Project Blue Beam claims into motion and prompted the Biden Administration to admit that an "ET Threat" exists.-.albeit, it's only a threat to liars and thieves and madmen like the boneheads behind all this evil nonsense.
The commercial corporations have built a "space fleet" of their own, comprised of 1200 ships at a cost of over $20 Trillion dollars which has all been siphoned off the China Trade and out of our pockets and purloined from our funds originally used to fund the so-called "Marshal Plan".-.another giant military boondoggle.
No wonder certain generals have enjoyed solid gold toilet seats.
If necessary, the Andromedans and other members of the Peace Task Force will immobilize all the military equipment on Earth. Those 1200 ships and the new laser weapons will be stuck as I said, like ants in amber.
This planet belongs to God; it does not belong to men.-.and men have no right to destroy it.
If you want to see wonders, create some of your own. You have the inate ability to create whatever you want to focus your attention away from the military's playbook and concentrate on the world you want to live in.
You are Co-Creators, so dust off your laurels and create the world you want to live in. Visualize it, see it, taste it, and verbally command it to manifest - a world that is not ruled by Nazi Thugs, a world which is not dependent on Evil and illusions anymore.
Source text here (16.02.23) or here (16.02.23).
Picture: Is this how Planet X looks when seen from the Earth? ..............................................................................................................
Useful introductory information about Planet X can be found here, here and here (pdf 20pp). ............................................................................................................................................ Picture: Is there an Earth-like planet in the distant Kuiper Belt? Planet X?
Planetary Situation Update
Friday 15th September 2023
What follows is a lightly-edited summary of the original online text here:
● The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus the Chimera has been completely defeated and is no more.
● With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger any more, and the positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that the final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured because there are no timelines with negative outcomes remaining.
● With the removal of the last pit and its mainframe computer, the biochips cannot send audio and video signals anywhere any more, and the main control network has collapsed. The biochips are now only dark electromagnetic portals with their power diminishing fast. They will be removed very soon.
● The main control network on the surface of the planet is now a scalar monitoring network through cell phone, 4G and 5G networks, and through wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable as they can only scan human activity with a resolution of between 6 and 15 cm (2 to 6 inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and surveillance tool the cabal still has in its hands.
● The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with the subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental planes. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane.
● The black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. These old Italian family remnants claim their descent from the Roman empire. Their predecessors were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to run the management and control of the surface human population. Since the Chimera is now gone, they are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals and receiving guidance from him. Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents number about 2000 people.
● Below these 2000 are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies who have infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers and doctors.
● Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about two million other members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.
● Then there are about 100 million psychopaths who can be quite dangerous under certain circumstances, such as the doctors and nurses who supported and enabled the 2019-2022 Plague PsyOp.
● Then there are about 400 million sociopaths who lack empathy.
● Then there are about three billion sheeple who do not have the ability for critical thinking and just follow the trends of their societies.
● And finally there are about four billion people who have the ability to think clearly - at least to a degree - and they are the hope for humanity.
● The main factor now delaying the liberation of the planet is the Lurker with the subquantum anomaly. The Light forces are now removing as much of this anomaly as possible in order to safely trigger the Event. They are also releasing intel gradually, because if too much intel is released at once, it triggers a too-strong purification process of the anomaly.
● The dark forces which arrived on Earth 900,000 years ago almost caused the extinction of humanity. Now they are nearing their final defeat.
● A big awakening is coming.
● Planet X is on the verge of being discovered.
AB note: The above bullet-pointed text is an edited summary of the original online text here (15.09.23). That original update has more detail, including black nobility names, and has many supporting links.
Picture: Depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly.
Picture: Are these the mummified remains of ETs found in Peru?
Picture: A plethora of space vehicles descends to evacuate the willing off-planet.
Picture: Galactic Central. The energies are rising.
Human civilisations still operating long after their sell-by dates, never end tidily. So it is now with the West.
But the confusing, chaotic and illogical public nonsenses playing out at the beginning of 2024 - particularly those to do with self-injurious warmongering, crazy-person legislation and fake or long-dead political leaders wearing Hollywood-style plastico-rubber masks and spouting diversionary clown scripts - were not just due to human stupidity among the old disintegrating global élites.
New and turbulent cosmic energies are bathing the whole planet and these are tending to destabilise the thinking, speaking and behaviour of those large sections of the surface human population which have a lower than average spiritual light quotient or which simply cannot accept, or process coherently, all the fresh disclosures tumbling into the public domain.
This is the downside of enlightenment. If clear veridical enlightenment is rejected, or left unassimilated, the individual's conscious energies to do with clarity and focus become scrambled, mental health takes a nosedive and aberrant behaviours irrupt.
On the plus side, at the beginning of 2024 there was a lot of extraordinary technological activity going on invisibly higher up in the galactic architecture at levels above standard 3D conscious perception. Happily, almost all of this was benevolent and supportive of the now stable timeline unfolding a prosperous, healthy and free future for human civilisation on all continents.
In this connection, on another blog page, we have talked about Operation Dreamland and the new renaissance about to manifest across the planet.
Then, on Saturday 13th January 2024, another Higher Evolution-sourced intel drop from the same team revealed significant new information of uncommon current interest. That open-source article can be found here.
Decomposing negative syndicates in India and Africa, alarmed by the accelerating removal of the ancient dark energy potential known as subquantum anomaly, initiated a pulse of military mischief across the solar system in early January 2024. This led to short-lasting but violent battles on Planet X and around advanced ET bases on remote asteroids in and beyond the Kuiper belt.
In addition to all this, and at the same time, a powerful multidimensional group of long-standing benevolent influencers referred to as the Galactic Central Race activated all the old hidden Atlantean crystals on Earth. This included the thirty-foot-high Astar crystal located under seabed near Bermuda. An artist's impression of this crystal before it was submerged can be seen below. More background here.
Picture: Atlantean Astar crystal now buried under the seabed near Bermuda.
Those Atlantean crystals are now empowering positive energy grids around the world, helping the Earth towards its cleansing and planetary ascension.
To further increase the benevolent energy flows along Earth's meridians and ley lines, the Galactic Central Race has also just activated several dormant spaceships from the Atlantean period which currently lie buried beneath the Giza complex in Egypt, beneath the Amazon jungle and in Antarctica and elewhere.
Those spaceships are now connecting with Earth's planetary energy grid and linking it with the midway space stations which the Galactic Central Race constructed in ancient times. These midway space stations form a coordinated network which extends throughout the solar system.
The Galactic Central Race has also recently reactivated the Chaco Canyon site in New Mexico (USA). More background here. Original source article here (13.01.24).
Picture: A city in New Atlantis or Old Atlantis, or both?
Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami
Extraterrestrial symbols of spiritual protection
Extraterrestrial television hijack - England - November 1977
Working with extraterrestrial healers
Our angels the aliens
What is the Higher Evolution?
Index of blog contents
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